Chimney Rain Cap Installation in Texas

A chimney rain cap is an important part of your chimney system, keeping water and debris away from the chimney and protecting your flue from the elements. Making sure your rain cap is intact and functioning correctly is an important part of your home maintenance routine, especially if you regularly experience downpour.

Chimney Rain Cap Installation

What Is Chimney Rain Cap Installation?

A chimney rain cap keeps your chimney in good condition by protecting it against weather, moisture and rain. There are many varieties available, but most include a mesh screen that adds the benefit of keeping debris out while letting exhaust and smoke out of your chimney.

Chimney rain cap installation is important if your chimney doesn’t already have one, as it prolongs the lifespan of your chimney system and the effectiveness of your fireplace. Moisture is harmful to chimneys, and can accelerate wear and tear on the mortar joints that form their structure.

Chimney Rain Caps Prevent Roof And Structural Damage

A functioning chimney rain cap seals your chimney off from water. Conversely, a chimney that isn’t properly sealed can allow water to seep into your roof, which can cause long-term structural damage that may end up necessitating very expensive repairs.

A simple rain cap is a good way to seal off a critical ingress point of your home against water damage. It also prevents mold and mildew from growing inside your chimney.

Professional Chimney Rain Cap Installation in Texas

If your chimney rain cap isn’t working as it should, you may notice moisture in your fireplace, or even outright leakage. Luckily, getting a professional chimney cap installation is easy. Contact Texans Chimney Sweep and Repair today for more information.
Chimney Maintenance